Wednesday, October 18, 2006


and cyan walks alone.

nobody sees the tears she sheds as she crosses the bridge.

the sky turned gray, she noticed.

i give up...

she clasped the note tightly, thinking against herself to tear it to pieces.

there's nothing more to continue...

as she reached the center of the hanging structure, she stopped. she remembered something again.

that line...that last line... she held the iron bars, borrowing force from them...

and thus...with this kiss...

i die...

to prove her intention to end her life, she jumped off the bridge.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

14 lines...

if i come upon you on the streets

amiling faintly as you pass, would you notice

the sparkle in my eyes as you walk past ahead,

oblivious of my funny existence?

if you came upon me singing a song,

would you sing aloud and add some tune

to atone for the punishment of forgetting?

your fault, would you be sincerely regretting?

if i come upon you sitting alone in tears

would you allow me to provoide your needs

as if i were to you an important being

or a doctor for remedy you are consulting?

is this lonely heart of mine able

to penetrate the walls around your level?