Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm a Freak!

Today, when I looked at my desktop, I freaked out. Why? Because there were four rows of icons of various files that I have not sorted out yet! For those who know me, I am a very messy person, but when it comes to the files on my computer, I make it a point to store them in folders (and if they cannot be sorted, always be ready with a folder named "find files here" to make the desktop look cleaner).

The normal number of rows of files on my desktop? One. At most two, whenever there are new files I need to find ASAP, but never more than that. I don't even have desktop shortcuts on the desktop. Whenever I install a new program or software, I delete the shortcut automatically created. There's the task bar where all the things I need frequently are kept.

So there, I'm a freak. But I guess it's in a good way. :)

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