Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Rating: 3/5

Forgive me for the hiatus...but I come bearing reviews! I haven't entirely been slacking off, if you know what I mean.

A few weeks back, my friend had posted a review about this Greek restaurant at Greenbelt 2. Not being a fan of Greek food, I was hesitant to try this myself, but since she highly commended it, I decided to try.

Before I reached Cyma, there were other restaurants that caught my attention too. I might try them out next time. As for this restaurant, we ordered Chicken Gyro, Pastitsio (Baked Macaroni), and Moussaka.

So what can I say about the food? It tasted...very Greek-like. In the sense that you can taste all the herbs and the extra virgin olive oil.

And just when I'm about to post the images of the delectable dishes we had, I realized that when we went to Cyma, I did not have my camera with me! So much for being prepared, eh? So here are just the photos from various bloggers. Credits are theirs, of course.

Moussaka, the national dish of Greece. PhP 250. Photo credits go to the owner. 
 Karen ordered this and I took a bite, mostly because the top layer (cheese) was just soooo delicious. I can't say the same for the other layers though because I don't eat eggplants. :) But I guess she was satisfied with it.
Pastitsio, PhP 230. Photo credits go to the owner.
Notice how the stacks of macaroni are neatly piled there? That's the first time I saw such an arrangement! However, it's one arrangement I wouldn't recommend though because the taste of the dish is concentrated on the top and bottom layers, one layer being cheesy and the other being sour because of tomatoes. It left the middle layer a little too bland for my taste. Plus the tomato bed was too much, if you ask me. I love love love the cheese though.

Chicken Gyro, PhP 160. Photo credits go to the owner. 
This Gyro has a story. We were so full with the dishes we ate that we had this one packed instead. From Greenbelt 2 to Greenbelt 5, we had walked without realizing that we left this behind! We hurried back to get this and when we arrived there, the restaurant was already filled with a lot of customers! Being the shy person that I am, we waited outside as the waiter handed us our Gyro. So there, we ate it at home instead.

There are a lot of other dishes that I would love to try from Cyma, and I can recommend this to Greek food lovers out there. I wanted to try their flaming mangoes, but I got scared of the way they shout while serving it. I hate it when people look at me. :)

So there you have it. Have you eaten at Cyma yet?

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